Ch. 14 (Part A) Rkcl Online Exam English {Cyber Security}
Right now the RSCIT Online Test of Rkcl Online Exam English will be conducted in which there will be total 35 questions. This RSCIT Online Test is very important for your upcoming exams.
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Today I have brought for you Chapter 14 Cyber Security Rkcl Online Exam English, Part A.
In which we will do online test of 35 important questions of Cyber Security and check ourselves whether we have been able to qualify in RSCIT exam or not.
Don't get carried away by just reading the Rkcl Online Exam English.
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Nowadays questions are asked by altering the RSCIT exam, so you are requested to read and understand all the questions of this Rkcl Online Exam English carefully and take the online test.
Rkcl Online Exam English
Q. 1. If any apps or programs are opened, you click on the button to switch between the opened apps or programs in Windows 10?
Q. 2. What is meant by Inbox in Gmail?
Q. 3. _______ portal is used for railway services?
Q. 4. Which of the following is not an example of an operating system?
Q. 5. If we want to search for a job, then which website is most useful?
Q. 6. What are the uses of System Restore in Windows 10?
Q. 7. Files with _______ file extension cannot be sent using Gmail?
Q. 8. _______ is used to find the path between two places?
Q. 9. What is the correct classification of computer on the basis of size, storage, capacity and performance?
Q. 10. What is the meaning of letter S in Https?
Q. 11. Select the correct examples of mobile wallet from the following?
Q. 12. Which formula is used to find the length of a text string in MS Excel 2010?
Q. 13. Which of the following are types of cyber threats?
Q. 14. Which of the following printers spray ink from the printer head to print a document or image?
Q. 15. Which option is most suitable for online submission of student fee in university?
Q. 16. Why do we use cache memory in computer system?
Q. 17. _______ is popularly used for e-mail purposes?
Q. 18. Statement 1: Homework for school, children's entertainment, social media etc. What are some uses of computer at home? Statement 2: Smart class, online education, digital library etc. are some of the uses of computer in education?
Q. 19. _______ shows the page number, word count language of the document in MS Word 2010?
Q. 20. Which of the following is an example of malware?
Q. 21. Which of the following type of website should not enter your personal information?
Q. 22. Which of the following software spy on your computer and exchange information related to you?
Q. 23. Which of the following is not a function of malware?
Q. 24. Which of the following is not an example of malware?
Q. 25. Which of the following type of cyber attack takes you to another website instead of the desired one?
Q. 26. Which of the following are types of cyber attacks?
Q. 27. Which of the following is a cyber attack?
Q. 28. The process of writing data (like music, photos, documents etc.) on CD or DVD is usually called?
Q. 29. What is the full form of Smtp?
Q. 30. Which command is used to see how the document looks before the document is printed?
Q. 31. Uses encryption techniques to provide proof of original and unmodified documentation?
Q. 32. In MS-Word 2010 _______ select a space or text that you recognize for name and future reference?
Q. 33. Which of the following comes under Income Tax Services?
Q. 34. Choose a valid example of an email address from the following options?
Q. 35. Which port allows television/projector to receive and display computer generated image?
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